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What We provide

We Help Builders Be Successful

From industry veterans to ambitious newcomers, our dedicated team is here to guide you on your path to unrivaled success.

What We provide

Build the homes you want to build

Unleash Your Building Freedom: Explore Limitless Possibilities in High-End Custom Homes, Duplexes, Investments, Two-Storey Homes, and More

Our Latest Offer

We'll double your profit within three years or give you your franchise fee back!

At Integrity New Homes, our franchise system is designed to help you overcome business barriers and achieve a level of success you might not have thought possible. We're so confident in our business systems that we guarantee to double your profitability within three years, or we'll refund your franchise fee. That's how assured we are of our methods.


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What We provide

Our comprehensive Franchise system resolves builders top 5 pain points

We understand the challenges faced by builders in the industry. That's why our innovative franchise system is designed to address your most pressing pain points.

From navigating Home Owners Warranty constraints to building the right team, from cost-effective estimating to affordable drafting and marketing systems, we have you covered.

Our holistic approach ensures that you can focus on what you do best - building exceptional homes - while we provide the solutions and support you need for a successful and thriving business.

Join us today and experience the transformative power of our franchise system tailored specifically for you.

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Solutions for Builders

We offer a wide range of resources and solutions to empower your building business. From customizable software and cutting-edge technology to expert guidance and support, we provide the tools you need to thrive. Implement them according to your unique requirements, and we'll be there every step of the way, offering guidance and assistance.
How it works!

Every Franchise is an independently owned company operated by a licensed builder who contracts directly with clients offering homes in an exclusive building territory.

Each Franchisee has the flexibility, with help from the Franchisor, to make changes to the Integrity Franchise System to suit individual regional market requirements.

You can work from home to begin with and keep your costs down.

Builders Business Coaching

We provide ongoing business coaching to every franchisee for the lifetime of the agreement. No limits, no problems, just straightforward and effective business advice.

We will help you to grow your profitability; improve your purchasing; provide sales and marketing materials; and provide access to hundreds of designs for steep and flat blocks; systemize your building business now.

Builders Business Software

Integrity has created a new home job management software "product" called  iGyro™ from which every necessary element of a building company can be delivered. iGyro is a Xero partner.

Integrity's unique combination of project homes, steep site designs along with a massive portfolio of custom designs are all available to franchisees plus you can use our design magazine to help clients choose a home to build.

Secure your exclusive franchise territory.

When you become an Integrity New Homes franchisee, you gain exclusive ownership of your franchise territory. We prioritize your success by ensuring that your territory remains solely yours.

We are committed to not selling a franchise to any other business or builder within your designated area.

This guarantee secures your market presence and enables you to build your business with confidence.

How to become a successful builder in Australia

We have witnessed an overwhelming influx of individuals seeking building franchises and construction business information from Integrity New Homes. These aspiring builders, initially in search of construction companies for sale, have discovered a wealth of advantages in opting for a building franchise with Integrity.

Join our thriving network and unlock a multitude of benefits that will propel your business forward.


Our latest News.

We share knowledge, strategies, and inspiration needed to thrive in the competitive landscape.

Stay informed about industry trends, best practices, innovative techniques, and success stories that will empower you to achieve your goals. Explore our collection of articles designed to support your journey towards building business excellence.

Why we are the most flexible franchisor in Australia

At Integrity New Homes, we prioritize the autonomy and success of our franchisees. We believe in providing flexible business solutions rather than rigid instructions, allowing our builders to make decisions that best suit their individual needs. Independence in Decision Making Our approach ensures that franchisees have the freedom to run their businesses as they see fit. Key aspects where you have full control include: Display and Office Operations: You decide when to open a display home or an office. We don't impose any schedules. Services: You aren't obligated to use our services for sales or marketing. These decisions are entirely up to you. Initial Marketing Support While we offer substantial freedom, there is one compulsory marketing element for the first two years. During this period, we work with you for your marketing to help you start strong and generate maximum leads. After these initial two years, you choose your own marketing strategy. Essential Requirements To be part of the Integrity New Homes group, there are only three compulsory requirements: Trade as Integrity New Homes: All franchisees must operate under the Integrity New Homes brand. Monthly Reporting: Regular monthly reports are required to keep track of your business performance. Annual National Conference: Attendance at our national conference each year is mandatory. Ultimate Flexibility Beyond these requirements, you have the flexibility to manage your business in a way that suits you best: Staffing: Hire and staff your business as you prefer. Office Location: Choose any location for your office, whether it's home-based or otherwise. Sales and Pricing: Sell products on your terms, at your chosen price. Suppliers: Select whichever suppliers you prefer for your projects. Supporting Your Success At Integrity New HomesOur goal is not to dictate your actions but to support your success by providing maximum flexibility. We believe that this approach empowers our franchisees to thrive and grow their businesses in a way that works best for them. 

No Sneaky Software Costs with Integrity New Homes!

At Integrity New Homes, we ensure our franchisees have access to the best tools available. One significant advantage is the full and free access to our job management software, iGyro. Comprehensive Job Management with iGyro iGyro is a complete and comprehensive builder's job management software that is available to builders outside our group on a subscription basis. However, as a franchisee with Integrity New Homes, you receive unlimited access to this powerful platform at no additional cost. By including iGyro in the franchise, we eliminate the ongoing subscription costs associated with software subscriptions. This means you won't face the additional burden of subscribing to essential job management software separately. Features of iGyro iGyro offers a wide range of features designed to streamline and enhance your building business operations: Estimating: Efficiently manage cost estimations for your projects. Purchase Orders: Simplify the process of creating and tracking purchase orders. Invoice Management: Integrate seamlessly with Xero, a class-leading accounting software. Client Management: Handle all aspects of client interactions and relationships. Task Management: Ensure all necessary tasks for delivering a job are covered. Site Scheduling: Plan and organize your site schedules effectively. Maintenance Processes: Manage post-construction maintenance tasks efficiently. Supporting Your Success The inclusion of iGyro in your Integrity New Homes franchise is a game-changer. This software is crucial for scaling your building business, ensuring profitability over time, and managing your operations efficiently. By providing this tool at no extra cost, we aim to support our franchisees in achieving long-term success. With iGyro, you have everything you need to manage your projects from start to finish, all integrated into one platform. This powerful tool is part of the comprehensive support system we offer at Integrity New Homes, ensuring you have the resources to thrive in the building industry.

We Don't pocket supplier rebates like other franchisors do!

At Integrity New Homes, our franchise business operates a unique cooperative fund designed for the mutual benefit of all franchisees. This fund works as a shared bank account where suppliers' rebates are collected and redistributed to support our builders collectively. How the Cooperative Fund Works In the building industry, it's common for suppliers to pay rebates to builders and building groups. Unlike some other franchises that keep these rebates for themselves, we channel these funds into our cooperative account. This approach ensures that all our builders benefit from these rebates. Shared Benefits for All Franchisees The rebates accumulated in the cooperative fund are used to support various aspects of our builders' businesses. Here are some of the key areas where the fund makes a difference: Software Programs: The fund helps in providing essential software programs that are beneficial for all our builders. National Conference Operations: The cooperative fund supports the organization and operation of our national conference. Marketing Materials: It covers the cost of printed marketing materials necessary for promoting our builders' services. Adding Value to Your Business If you're considering joining our franchise and wondering about the added value, the Integrity New Homes Cooperative Fund is a significant advantage. It ensures that all franchisees have access to essential tools and resources, making it a valuable asset for your business. By choosing Integrity New Homes, you not only benefit from shared resources but also join a supportive community that values fairness and collective growth.

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