INH's full-time Software Development Manager, who developed the iGyro™ customer management software to monitor consistent implementation of customer service, has continued to fine-tune and improve the operation of the software as well as adding further features. The original Excel based Sales Estimating/Contacting platform has been replaced by a more user friendly (for INH staff and franchisees) custom database platform with iGyro™ and iProx.
iGyro™ has become INH’s management centre-point and enables every aspect of the client transaction to be monitored and measured and is accessible to all employees and sales consultants (there are some commercial in confidence sections of iGyro™ which are closed off from general access).
It ensures key elements of customer service including communication, timelines, and ordering, are delivered and monitored in a sustainable and consistent format. Franchisee uptake continues to improve and extensive training has been carried by senior INH staff with the franchisee principles and their staff.
The final trial is underway for a system of scanning, then matching all invoices with orders to ensure more efficient processing of accounts payable which will deliver significant time (and money) savings to franchisees.
During the trial period INH has been able to reduce staffing in the accounts department by 1/3 (ie the full-time staffing level has been cut from three employees to two) while actually increasing accuracy and efficiency.
When the trial period is over franchisees will be able to access this capability through iGyro (at no additional cost) and thereby reducing their overheads while improving efficiency.
iGyro™ has become INH’s management centre-point and enables every aspect of the client transaction to be monitored and measured and is accessible to all employees and sales consultants (there are some commercial in confidence sections of iGyro™ which are closed off from general access).
It ensures key elements of customer service including communication, timelines, and ordering, are delivered and monitored in a sustainable and consistent format. Franchisee uptake continues to improve and extensive training has been carried by senior INH staff with the franchisee principles and their staff.
The final trial is underway for a system of scanning, then matching all invoices with orders to ensure more efficient processing of accounts payable which will deliver significant time (and money) savings to franchisees.
During the trial period INH has been able to reduce staffing in the accounts department by 1/3 (ie the full-time staffing level has been cut from three employees to two) while actually increasing accuracy and efficiency.
When the trial period is over franchisees will be able to access this capability through iGyro (at no additional cost) and thereby reducing their overheads while improving efficiency.